Service Information
We have implemented the service of extracting genomic DNA from saliva using the ORAGENE-DNA kits or SPECTRUM tubes from Ancestry or SALIVAGENE bottles from Stratec.
For more information on the differences between each saliva collection kits, please contact the person indicated below.
Service description
- Extraction of the genomic DNA using the method corresponding to the collection kit with which the samples are received.
- Quantification by spectrophotometry (NanoDrop 2100) of the extracted DNA.
- Verification of the integrity of the material extracted in 1% agarose gel.
- Delivery of the extracted material into labeled eppendorf tubes according to the ID provided by the user along with photographs of the gel and quantification in Excel file.
It is important to mention that the quantity and quality of the extracted material will depend on both the sample and the collection kit in which the user sends it.
Sample Requirements
- At least 1mL of biological material is required for processing.
- They should be delivered preferably in the collection tubes mentioned above, perfectly sealed. If any of the tubes are open, broken or cracked, the Services Unit will not be responsible for the degradation, quantity and quality of the resulting DNA. Before processing, the user will be notified if there are damaged tubes.
- Each of the samples must be perfectly labeled (legibly and indelibly) by the user to avoid confusion. It will be checked that the IDs labeled in the tubes, match the manifest declared by the user.
- The sample will only be received, if accompanied by the request of the service, previously filled with the required data and / or an Excel file with the IDs and information required. The same file will be used for the delivery of results.
Delivery of Results
Once the DNA is extracted, the corresponding result will be announced to the users through an email, specifying the amount of DNA obtained for each of the samples by spectrophotometry and the values in the 260/280 and 260/230 ratios.
The material will be delivered in eppendorf tubes labeled with IDs provided by the user.
In case the extracted material is to be used in another of our services, the corresponding service request form must be sent.
Application Forms and Costs
For more information on the service and quote, please contact: